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Re: Moat Access

By Andy Mayer
July 16th, 2010 at 12:00 am | Comments Off on Re: Moat Access | Posted in Opinion

The founder of a Facebook site dedicated to celebrating a recently self-deceased psychopath’skilling spree, Siobhan O’Dowd has voluntarily and maybe temporarily withdrawn her controversial site. (In fact it came back up again whilst writing this)

Perhaps in response to media and political pressure, perhaps as is evident from her recent interview, consistent analysis is not a skill her decade of free state education enabled.

David Cameron’s strange intervention in this matter was quite silly. Nudge politics maybe, but absolutely not the business of government. I’d have thought the Prime Minister had better things to do than regulate the social networking habits of the children of Nathan Barley.

Infamous killers have always attracted strange fans. Women who write love letters to men on death row, those that hero worshipped Billy the Kid, and most world religions take great delight in the smiting and wrathful vengeance activities of their genocidal founding fathers. Che Guevara posters and hammer and sickle t-shirts are still relatively popular amongst the kind of student unlikely to ever pay much of Vince Cable’s planned tax on successful graduates. 

Nothing changes. Social networking technology just speeds it up and gives it another forum. So disturbing sites like this, for the serially deluded, are just something David Cameron is going to have to get used to.
