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Hats off to Norman Baker

Stephen Tall, Research Associate at Centre Forum and Editor of Lib Dem Voice, has kindly posted my choice for Liberal Hero of the Week on the Centre Forum blog.

So (ahem!) hats off to Norman Baker, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport with responsibility for cycling, who described as his “libertarian right” to cycle without a helmet on.

And if you want to find out why, you can read the full article on the Centre Forum blog.


(PS: Do I win a prize for squeezing the most links into my opening sentence?)

One Response to “Hats off to Norman Baker”

  1. Greg Kaye Says:

    I just got a great response letter from the RHNB demonstrating both his diligence in his post and his dutiful representation of constituents.

    The issue raised related to the way vehicle no-claims bonuses were set up in a way that encouraged people to keep cars on the road. As things stand a person would lose up to five years of no claims bonus if they stop driving for just one year while someone who crashed 6 years ago can get a full level bonus.

    While other people I contacted have failed to respond Norman followed a number of avenues to pursue this transport and environment related issue.

    (NB letters refs: KG2201-Insurance\at & KG0502-Insurance\doe)

    Hats off to an MP who is clearly above the “norm”