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Statement on Mark Littlewood’s departure and Liberal Vision

October 29th, 2009 Posted in UK Politics by

Hullo all,lv1

First things first: due to the requirement for party-political impartiality, Mark Littlewood is leaving the Liberal Democrats after being appointed to his smashing new job at the IEA.

But you knew that already.

To clarify–he has therefore departed Liberal Vision, as the group requires active participants to be members of the Liberal Democrats.

As the inevitable decision was made, there were tears, hugs, and torn heartstrings, but in the end whatever will be, will be, and there are plenty more fish in the sea.

I’m one of those (gold)fish, and as of today am delighted to take over as Director, in a move that will no doubt delight millions, especially my mother. However, this is only possible due to the assistance of many Liberal Vision supporters who have pledged to rally behind the cause in recent days. I thank them all, as well as our hundreds of members / supporters, and thousands of readers.

This success gives us a solid foundation upon which to build. In fact, since Mark’s departure, the rate of new e-mail subscriptions and membership applications have more than doubled. Read into that what you will!

In all seriousness, I would personally like to thank Mark for founding this group and for his steely determination, rock solid principles and unshakeable tendency to force gin down my throat. With these tools the foundations have been laid in a remarkably short time.  As to how we build on them going forward, there is no quick answer.  There “will be changes around here”, but they will not be made suddenly, nor capriciously. There will be consultation and a considered approach to advancing classical liberal ideas within the UK’s only Liberal party, at a time when freedoms are increasingly threatened by the Tories and Labour.

If you are interested in helping Liberal Vision in this aim, please get in touch (

Sincerely and faithfully yours,

Julian Harris

7 Responses to “Statement on Mark Littlewood’s departure and Liberal Vision”

  1. Charlotte Gore Says:


  2. Angela Harbutt Says:

    Is that really a picture of you Julian ?

  3. Dick Puddlecote Says:

    Gah! Stop keep appointing excellent people to Liberal Vision, I’m starting to wobble.

  4. Niklas Smith Says:

    Congratulations Julian! A question: does Mark Littlewood’s departure mean that Liberal Vision’s connection to Progressive Vision (the think tank) will be loosened? Will Liberal Vision become legally independent of Progressive Vision?

    I wish Mark all the best in his new job, and you all the best in yours!

  5. Julian H Says:

    Yes Angela, that really is my beautiful, entirely not-doctored face. Admire the dapper charm, the handsome smirk, the receding hairline….

    Thanks Charlotte, too kind.

    Go on Dick, you know you want to jump. I can send the form, only takes a minute.

    Niklas, as pertinent as ever. Sadly there’s no substantial answer to your question as yet – things have moved too quickly, and I’m currently sat in a strange hotel in a weird part of Holland. Will get back to you asap, promise.

  6. Niklas Smith Says:

    Enjoy your weird part of Holland :) I understand that you may have been caught slightly on the hop.

  7. Angela Harbutt Says:

    Its almost worth Mark leaving us (almost -not quite!) just to see Dick wobble !