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Clegg has done too much gardening, but tells MPs to accept Legg’s demands

October 12th, 2009 Posted in UK Politics by

gardeningNick Clegg faces the mild embarrassment of having shelled out £3,900 for his gardening expenses, when Sir Thomas Legg reckons three grand should have covered it. Nick’s paying back the excess.

Hearteningly, he seems to have got out the traps pretty damned fast on this one. And is calling on MPs to accept Legg’s demands without” quibbling, questioning or trying to drag their heels.”

One hopes that the LibDems ensure that all the party’s MPs swiftly attend to any repayment demands (i.e. preferably by close of play today). The whip should be withdrawn from those who don’t or won’t.

Nick Clegg should then be able to turn up the heat on Brown and Cameron to ensure their own parliamentary parties are equally compliant.

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