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Jings and crivens! We do do God!

May 31st, 2009 Posted in UK Politics by

god_two“To be honest, what I’ve seen offends my Presbyterian conscience.”

So allegedly said Gordo to Mr Marr this morning.

Good Lord. I don’t even know where to start; and being overcome with pollen allergy, I won’t try. Except to say we all know what people really mean when they qualify their words with “To be honest.”

Anyone see the full interview?

Oh and…

… today’s Torygraph story about Labour MP and Socialist Campaign Group member Frank Cook expecting the taxpayer to cover a £5 “donation” he made to a House of God fund reminds me of an anecdote Iheard told by Gyles Brandreth one delightful evening.

Back in his parliamentary days, he narrated, he had been desperately trying to figure out how to avoid paying constant amounts of cash into various community raffles. The plight of an MP, he told us, was underrated in this regard; constituents forever expected one to have contributed generously to their latest collective enterprise.

“Oh you don’t have to buy all those raffle tickets” assured PM Major.

“But I do! They’ll crucify me otherwise” cried Brandreth.

“No no” said Major, “You just carry around a back up supply of variously coloured raffle tickets”, and pulled from a top pocket such a collection, ready for their devious use.

Haha! Hoho!

Maybe it worked better on the night.

2 Responses to “Jings and crivens! We do do God!”

  1. John Says:

    An interesting use of carefully selected words by Brown though.

    “Presbytarian” rather than the more well known term “Christian”. Presumably he used the former term in order to avoid some sort of God reference, yet still imply that he has a high benchmark when it comes to issues of morality.

    Ironic really, as the Presbytarian church was set up so as to avoid a the centralising influence of the episcopate during the Scottish reformation.

    How can Brown make a specific reference to Presbytarian morality, yet be his centralising and control freak actions he displays in political life are at odds with the principle founding mantra of the Kirk.

    The man is a mystery – or a fraud. I give him the benefit of the doubt and say he’s confused of mind, and it’s the former.

  2. Julian Harris Says:

    Strong points, John. Furthermore, I understand that Gordo, having spouted something odd about a National Democractic Council, then said that he still wouldn’t give up power even if his ministers wanted him to. Confused indeed.