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Friday Fright Live?

May 14th, 2009 Posted in UK Politics by

Blinky Balls

Can it be true ? There are suggestions that Ed Balls and Ms Cooper may be the Telegraph’s headliners tomorrow.

But they will surely sleep soundly. As New Labour have told us a million times “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” .

Update. Clare Short on front page of Telegraph website…… how long can this strip tease go on – and just what is the finale ?

2 Responses to “Friday Fright Live?”

  1. Bunny Smedley Says:

    I’d have thought the main reason for making Mackay fall on his sword was to put down a marker so that Brown would have to get rid both of Balls and Cooper if they were found to be doing anything equivalently dodgy – a loss that he’d presumably find not only inconvenient in practical terms but also hugely demoralising personally.

    What can Brown do? He could call a general election, but in practice that would have to be after the elections on 4 June. If those result in carnage for Labour – perhaps even carnage for all the mainstream parties – what would the knock-on effect be for an election held soon afterwards? But it’s hard to see how he can carry on like this – he isn’t Blair, he can’t do magic yet I’m not sure how many more weeks like this Westminster can survive.

  2. Angela Harbutt Says:

    Bunny – I think you have hit the nail on the head with regard to Mackay – they have set the benchmark.

    My guess, on past form, is that Gordon Brown will do nothing, and hope that it all goes away. I also am not sure who has the balls (excuse the pun) to tell him what must be done (nokia phones will be flying as we speak).